A copy of this form will be sent to this address once submit has been clicked
a. Grade Rb. Grade 1c. Grade 2d. Grade 3e. Grade 4f. Grade 5g. Grade 6h. Grade 7i. Grade 8j. Grade 9
a. 2024b. 2025c. 2026
a. Term 1b. Term 2c. Term 3
Child's Surname:
Child's First Name/s:
Child's ID Number:
Date Of Birth:
Gender: MaleFemale
Child's Religion:
Surname: First Name: ID Number: Company: Occupation: Tel No. (Work): Fax No. (Work) Cell No.: Tel. No. (Home): Email (Work): Email (Home):
Residential Address: (Where child resides) Postal Address: Postal Code: Home Language: Parents' Marital Status: MarriedSingleWidowedSeparatedDivorced Father: Is child your: Biological childFosteredAdoptedStepchild Mother: Is child your: Biological childFosteredAdoptedStepchildBackNext
Reasons for selecting St Columba’s:
Do you have a relative at St Columba’s at present? If yes, please give child’s name and Grade:
Grade :
Does your child have a medical problem / disability / physical handicap? If yes, please explain:
Doctor’s Name:
Tel. No.:
Has your child ever experienced learning difficulties? If yes, please describe: Current intervention (i.e. Speech Therapy, remediation):
Name of Therapist:
Dates of therapy/ies and duration:
Full Name:
Relationship to Child:
Tel. No. (Home):
Tel. No. (Work):
Cell No.:
Tel No.:
Fax No. :
Principal’s name:
Sport Involvement: Sport: Sport: Sport:
Other ExtraMural involvement:
Reason/s for leaving current school:
Are your fees at your current school paid up to date
R400 Application Fee (Non-refundable) Copy of Child’s Birth Certificate An up-to-date I.D. photograph of the Child Certified Copy of Parents ID Certified Copy of Utilities Bill Copy of Immunisation Certificate Copy of Child’s Baptism Certificate (Only if Catholic) Signed Contract Copy of Therapist’s reports (If applicable) Transfer Card (if applicable)
Copy of Child’s latest school report & School Fee Statement (Please keep us updated should your application be a year ahead of entry)
•Any and all entrance / admission tests written by the applicant remain the property of St Columba’s School and will not be released under any circumstances. •All applicants to the Primary school will be required to sit an entrance examination. •All applicants to Grade R will be required to have an entrance assessment. •St Columba’s School reserves the right to refuse admission to any child whom we feel will not cope with the work required for the particular Grade. •A full term’s notice must be given before the child leaves the school, or a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice. •The Enrolment Fee must be paid in advance to secure the pupil’s place in the school once he/she is accepted.