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St Columba's Schools

Pre-primary, Junior Primary, Senior Primary & After Care


Where meaningful play develops confidence and forms the foundation for holistic education.

St Columba's Pre-Primary is led by a passionate team of qualified teachers and assistants who work with the CAPS curriculum in a dynamic, exciting, and child centric manner to ensure the development of each child in our care. Creative activities, fantasy play, life orientation and language enrichment are woven together with movement activities that ensure your child’s gross and fine motor skills are developed within age-appropriate parameters.

The St Columba’s vegetable and fruit garden, along with our beautiful play ground filled with stimulating toys and fantasy areas such as our “petrol station”, “bus stop” and road system complete with traffic lights, stop streets and pedestrian crossings make for an exciting and stimulating day at St Columba’s Pre- Primary.
A variety of additional aspects are included in the Pre-Primary curriculum including puppet shows, the Eagles Tumbling team gross motor program, music, percussion and art. Reading, mathematical and technology skills are all enhanced in the various baking and making activities that are undertaken every week.

Computers are used in all classes to reinforce mathematical and reading skills, to emphasize “left and right” and in memory and concentration extension work.

A variety of extra mural activities such as chess lessons, Little Kickers, ball skills and dance are available for your little person to partake in.
An Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists are on board and help the children once a week, depending on their individual needs.

The supervised outdoor programs which offers waterplay, sand play, wheeled toys a variety of gross motor activities and sensory stimulation keep our Pre-Primary children engaged and excited to come to school each day.

Junior Primary

St Columba's Junior Primary is staffed by an enthusiastic, experienced team of teachers who are passionate about empowering each student to find and hone their individual strengths. Teachers foster a love for learning in the classroom as they work with he CAPS curriculum incorporating standards set by ISASA (Independent Schools Association of South Africa.)

Building a child’s confidence in critical literacies such as language and number literacy is the cornerstone of the work we do. Teachers incorporate a wide range of teaching tools including interactive white boards, class room activities and outdoor activities to help children gain perspective and self-belief in their own abilities.
Integrating technology meaningfully into our syllabus means children in the Junior Primary phase at St Columba’s have experience with a variety of computer programs including KID PIX, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Specific Technology lessons are taught through the use of LEGO kits, making the lesson content interesting, practical and relatable.

As St Columba’s is a Catholic school, students attend Mass weekly, with each class having an opportunity to prepare the Masses. The children in Grade 3 are prepared for their First Holy Communion which takes place at the end of their Grade 3 year.
Music, Art and Speech and Drama are an important part of our curriculum with School concerts and musical evenings being held every alternate year. Students are also involved in Choral verse and Choir competitions. Sporting and Cultural activities are encouraged and the following are on offer as extra-mural activities: Cross Country (from Grade 3), Cricket, Netball, Chess, Choir, Tennis and Swimming. 

Read more about our culture and sports programs.

Senior Primary

Senior Primary at St Columba’s is the year in which are extensively experienced team of teachers strive to develop each child’s academic, sporting and cultural aptitudes in a nurturing and caring environment. The personal growth and confidence of every student is paramount to the St Columba’s Senior Primary curriculum. Students are exposed to a variety of exciting experiences which provide a holistic education as we work to develop well-rounded scholars. Our Catholic tradition ensures a good moral grounding, and the Religious Education lessons give all the children an opportunity to enrich their own faith and to learn about and respect the beliefs of others.
In the Senior Primary, the pupils learn study skills and how to apply and extend the skills they have mastered. The CAPS based academic curriculum includes; English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Natural Science, Geography and History. Subjects like Art, Zulu, Religious Education, Physical Education, Drama, Music, Computers and Business Education (for grade 7).

Aside from the excellent academic program in place, St Columba’s all inclusive culture, sport, social and community programs empower students to become self-confident individuals who can cope in any high school system they choose from Grade 8 onwards.

To read more about the in depth objectives of each subject

 Click here

St Columba’s Online

St Columba’s Online offers a blended education model in which students attend at home, teacher led, online academic lessons with at school assessments, sport, culture, community and social activities.

Equipping students to thrive in a modern world, takes an extraordinary approach to education. At St Columba’s Online depth of experience, an excellence in education history and a passion for innovative student centric learning blends seamlessly with efficient technology utilisation, social, sport, culture and community integration.

For more information about St Columba’s Online

Click here

After Care

The St Columba’s After Care School is a safe place for your child to relax, catch up on teacher supported homework and have fun with their peers.

The St Columba’s After Care School is split into 3 groups:


After lunch, the Pre-Primary children are divided into two groups and go with their respective supervisor to the AfterCare classrooms where they play quietly and rest from 14h00 to 15h00.

Once they are well rested and ready to engage in the outdoors, they then go out and play to refresh their little bodies and minds.

Junior and Senior Primary

The Primary school children are divided into three groups: Grade 1s, Grades 2 and 3, and Grades 4 and 5 and Grades 6 and 7. These children go to various classrooms and do their homework, with supervision from teachers, until 15h00. 

AfterCare children who play sport or attend other extra-mural activities, come to the AfterCare room to do their homework, under supervision, after extra-murals.

Holiday Centre

The St Columba’s HolidayCare operates from 07h30 to 17h00 during the April and August holidays (public holidays are excluded). In December the HolidayCare Centre operates from 07h30 to 17h00 only until the middle of

An exciting and fun holiday program including cultural and sport activities keeps our holiday students stimulated while encouraging them to relax and explore new ideas and aptitudes.
011 421 3057  |  011 421 5027  |   107 Howard Ave, Benoni, 1501 P.O. Box 17224, Benoni West, 1503
St Columba's 2023/24 | 
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